Friday, July 16, 2010

The Threat!!! First installment of the White Paper on Feralism

As promised here is the first installment of the "White paper on Feralism". I would like to thank our correspondent who shall not be named due to National Security, for putting this together.

The Threat

The threat of feralism to Australia and our interests is real. Feralism has become a persistent and permanent feature of Australia’s social environment. It threatens Australians and Australian interests both at home and overseas. The Government’s intelligence agencies assess that further feral attacks could occur at any time.

Over the past century the world has seen a succession of feral campaigns supporting various drug and binge drinking causes. Methods of attack have evolved and ferals have proved innovative, adaptive and ruthless in pursuing their goals.

Feralism affected Australia before the invent of the Neighbourhood Watch program. Various overseas feral groups have long had a presence in Australia – focused largely on neighbourhood disruption and urinating in public, occasionally escalating to violence. But prior to the rise of self-styled feralism fostered by poor upbringing, Australia itself was not a specific target. We now are.

Since 1988, more than 100 000 Australians have been in some way affected by feral attacks. Numerous other attacks have been thwarted in Australia. Only thirty-eight people have been prosecuted or are being prosecuted as a result of counter-feralism operations, 35 of whom were prosecuted for feralismoffences pursuant to the Feral Code Act 1995 (the Feral Code). A number of these prosecutions are ongoing. Twenty people have been convicted of feralism offences under the Feral Code. More than 40 Australians have had their passports revoked or applications denied for reasons related to feralism.

Stay tuned for the next installment.

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