Tuesday, January 25, 2011

More ideas for the "Feral Solution"

                  This is not actually a picture of the feral neighbour, it was just to paint a picture for you.

OK I know its been a while since my last blog but life gets busy is all I can say. When I left you last my Feral's had moved out (praise the lord and pass the ammunition). Since then I have been blessed with seemingly normal neighbours. They are quiet and I don't see them and life is good!!! However my mother is not fairing so well in the feral neighbours department. There is a weird feral family that live directly across the road from her. There is a bucket load of kids and she changes back and forth the partners more often than I can count. Each child has their own unique name such as dickhead, little fucker and the like. Must be old family names or something. They play their fcked up music so that everyone can hear, all the kids at some point in their lives have taken a shit in their front yard and the what appears to be about a 3 year old constantly gets around in only a nappy, and that's if he has any clothes on at all. ( I guess it makes it easier for him to dump a load in the front yard if he is nappyless) Anywho I think I have painted you a pretty common feral family picture. So today I was talking to mum and she mentions that "feral bitch across the road"(my mum is just as poetic as me!!) appears to be pregnant again. OH GREAT!!! just what the world needs, another feral to inhabit this earth. Don't get me wrong I don't have anything against children, and I feel ever so sorry for them that they have to grow up in that type of environment and it is 99% certain that they too will grow up to be just as feral if not more feral than their parents. Now before you go off on me I am well aware that through some miracle "SOME" of these feral borns claw their way through life and grow up to be well functioning members of society which is a credit to them, but this is very rare.

Anyway, so I have been working on this idea of lessening the amount of ferals that make their way into society. I think it is a valid idea and it would probably save this country a lot of money. Whats the idea you ask?? Well here it is, at the age of 13 (possibly even earlier) when young girls are given the Rubella vaccination at school they are also inserted with birth control, like the rod or whatever else they use now. Then once they come of age (yet to be determined but definitely out of high school) and ready to start a family (whatever form that comes in) they can apply to have the birth control removed in order to have a child. They would need to undergo rigorous "feral testing" in order to have it removed. Now don't get me wrong I am not trying to create that superior race or anything like that so don't start calling me Hitler or anything, the only criteria used will be the "feral scale" (yet to be developed). This will help lessen the chances of a high feral population and on the up side it will reduce the number of 14 year old mothers!!!

So there it is, take it or leave it and if you don't like it, just leave!!

1 comment:

  1. News just in........sources report that the 14 year old daughter is ALSO PREGNANT!!!! OMG I cannot fckin believe it!!! I must have senced it too with my 14 year old comment. Again this just solidifies my stance of forced birth control!!!! People these days have way to many liberty's lol
