These are the tiny guns that the stupid people get, I haven't decided but it will probably just be a toy gun lol.
Firstly I would like to say "HEY" to my 2 groupies hehehehe thanks for joining. Secondly I want to thank Narelle for coming up with the Tag line for this one, "The Feral Solution" hehehe love it!! Ok so as promised I have returned to share with you my idea for clearing Australia, or even the world of Ferals. I have expanded on this by adding Stupid people as well as I am sure we have all come across a few stupid people in our lives that seriously are just a waste of space. Ok so here's the deal, but remember there are obviously a few logistical issues to work out but basically, we gather up all the stupid/feral people and grade them on the "master scale of stupidity" which will place them on a spectrum from the MOST stupid/feral to the least. This will determine who gets a gun and who doesn't. We then herd them on to "Stupidity Airlines" fly them over somewhere like Afghanistan, or anywhere else where we are engaging in armed warfare, we then drop them over the war zone as part of our "Attack" on terror. The idea is win/win because if it turns out for some unknown reason that the people with the guns are actually smart enough to kill the enemy then we win, however if they aren't that smart (which is most likely) and get killed then we still win!!!!!!! Is it not the most perfect idea ever!!!!! I am sure we all know someone who deserves a boarding pass to this flight.
So, what do you think??? I am interested to know. Please feel free to comment however if you are stupid/feral you can collect your boarding pass at the gate!!
"And that's how the cookie crumbles" hehehehe
Okay so I am now thinking to address the logistic issues we release a "whitepaper on feralness" and get some federal funding...... Hey the way the government is going they will throw money at anything that is "popular with the people".
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Dude !!!!!!!!!
Awesome idea. I now appoint thee Minster for Feralness and charge you with the task of compiling the White paper on Feralness!!!