Friday, July 16, 2010
The Threat!!! First installment of the White Paper on Feralism
As promised here is the first installment of the "White paper on Feralism". I would like to thank our correspondent who shall not be named due to National Security, for putting this together.
The Threat
The threat of feralism to Australia and our interests is real. Feralism has become a persistent and permanent feature of Australia’s social environment. It threatens Australians and Australian interests both at home and overseas. The Government’s intelligence agencies assess that further feral attacks could occur at any time.
Over the past century the world has seen a succession of feral campaigns supporting various drug and binge drinking causes. Methods of attack have evolved and ferals have proved innovative, adaptive and ruthless in pursuing their goals.
Feralism affected Australia before the invent of the Neighbourhood Watch program. Various overseas feral groups have long had a presence in Australia – focused largely on neighbourhood disruption and urinating in public, occasionally escalating to violence. But prior to the rise of self-styled feralism fostered by poor upbringing, Australia itself was not a specific target. We now are.
Since 1988, more than 100 000 Australians have been in some way affected by feral attacks. Numerous other attacks have been thwarted in Australia. Only thirty-eight people have been prosecuted or are being prosecuted as a result of counter-feralism operations, 35 of whom were prosecuted for feralismoffences pursuant to the Feral Code Act 1995 (the Feral Code). A number of these prosecutions are ongoing. Twenty people have been convicted of feralism offences under the Feral Code. More than 40 Australians have had their passports revoked or applications denied for reasons related to feralism.
Stay tuned for the next installment.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Hark the Hearold Angels Sing!!!!!!!!
The big man upstairs has answered my prayers!!!! To my surprise I arrived home this morning and found my feral neighbours PACKING!!!!! Yes people you heard it right, they are moving out!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!!! I knew that if I lived a righteous life then things would turn out for me...............hehehehehe ok so maybe I am not so righteous but you know what I mean. I wonder if they had read my previous blog and got scared they would get their boarding pass to Stupidity Airlines. I hope so, how cool would that be!!!! I could hardly contain my joy when I asked him if he was moving, he said yeah because the owner wants the unit vacant as it is on the market. More like the fact that there is no way in hell that anyone would buy it while you feral bastards are living there. But of course because I am so nice I didn't actually say that.........hehehehe
I have had no luck with any neighbour that has lived in that unit and there have been 4 lots in the last 4 years and all of them FERAL!!! I am praying for a old couple next, with the hope that they don't like dance music, pretty sure bet. It would be good if she likes to bake and share with her neighbours too however I feel that I just wouldn't be that lucky. I live in hope though. Don't fear though, just because the ferals leave, it does not mean that it will be the end of the blog, the sad truth is there are so many ferals out there I am sure we will not be short on material. Anywho that's enough from me now, I am going to have a nanna nap in case they want to party just one more time before they leave. Catch ya on the flip side!!!!
The Feral Solution

These are the tiny guns that the stupid people get, I haven't decided but it will probably just be a toy gun lol.
Firstly I would like to say "HEY" to my 2 groupies hehehehe thanks for joining. Secondly I want to thank Narelle for coming up with the Tag line for this one, "The Feral Solution" hehehe love it!! Ok so as promised I have returned to share with you my idea for clearing Australia, or even the world of Ferals. I have expanded on this by adding Stupid people as well as I am sure we have all come across a few stupid people in our lives that seriously are just a waste of space. Ok so here's the deal, but remember there are obviously a few logistical issues to work out but basically, we gather up all the stupid/feral people and grade them on the "master scale of stupidity" which will place them on a spectrum from the MOST stupid/feral to the least. This will determine who gets a gun and who doesn't. We then herd them on to "Stupidity Airlines" fly them over somewhere like Afghanistan, or anywhere else where we are engaging in armed warfare, we then drop them over the war zone as part of our "Attack" on terror. The idea is win/win because if it turns out for some unknown reason that the people with the guns are actually smart enough to kill the enemy then we win, however if they aren't that smart (which is most likely) and get killed then we still win!!!!!!! Is it not the most perfect idea ever!!!!! I am sure we all know someone who deserves a boarding pass to this flight.
So, what do you think??? I am interested to know. Please feel free to comment however if you are stupid/feral you can collect your boarding pass at the gate!!
"And that's how the cookie crumbles" hehehehe
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Die Ferals Die
Ok so I have these neighbours who have been an utter pain in my ass for about a year. I have been facebooking about them but then a friend said I should blog about it. If you're not sure what a feral is then just take a look at the picture above. Feral can be described as trailer trash of sorts for my American friends but not actually living in a trailer. They seriously just have no concept of manners or how to interact with normal people (probably giving myself too much credit but you know what I mean) For me this has been the saga of my life and I guess looking at it from the outside it would seem kinda funny however I am totally over it and I just wish they would die.....ok well maybe that's a bit harsh, maybe not die, but maybe just to move to another house well away from me!!!! I called the cops on their asses last night when they deemed it appropriate to play their shit dance music for EVERYONE in a 2km radius to hear. After I called I lay in bed praying that they didn't turn down the music before the cops arrived coz I would just look like a dickhead LOL. I have to say that I was impressed by the fact that they arrived in like 20 mins which is good considering it wasn't life or death........well not for me anyways. So then I hear them talking to the ferals and their like ok guys turn the tunes down and how about you go inside and keep the noise down. They took one guys name and said that if they get called back then they will cart him off to the watch house for the rest of the night and I was like GO BOYS IN BLUE!!! so they went real quiet for about a minute after they left and then it started again but was short lived coz the guy they told they would throw in the slammer was like, turn that music off, keep your voices down. So win to me!!! Suck on that you fckers!!!!!!!!!
I swear some people in this world are a complete waste of space. I mean none of them have a job, so none of them are paying tax so its probably that all of them are on a welfare payment of some description so the good people of this country are supporting there stupid feral shindigs, tax dollars at work, its amazing right!!!
Well I am signing off for now, I will come back tomorrow and share with you a few ideas I have in ridding the world of ferals, I am sure you are gonna love them and if you don't I don't really care, you can fuck off and stop reading my blog !!!!!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
The start of a new beginning
Well Hello!!
I had forgotten that I had set up this blog some time ago and just randomly came across it today. I went through and closed the old blogs and am starting again. It feels like fresh sheets!!!
So here is my first what the.......
How the hell did this happen?? No doubt speed had something to do with it, which brings me to my first point. I was watching some show the other night, I think it was A Current Affair and they had this part on "P" plate drivers and how Australia has one of the worst records for accident related deaths for "p" plate drivers. What the hell is up with that!! Why isn't more being done to change the statistics. Personally it is my belief that "P" plate drivers should firstly be limited to 4 cylinder cars, no more V8's and the such, as is the case with motorcycle riders being restricted in CC's. Secondly all "P" plate drivers cars must be fitted with speed governors. Meaning that the car's speed is monitored and adjusted accordingly by a "smart" device in the car. I am pretty sure that we can design some kind of gizmo that would be able to recognise what speed zone the car is in and set the max speed accordingly. Thirdly, "P" plate drivers cars should also be fitted with alcohol breath testers that have to register zero before the car will start.
I have heaps more ideas however that will do for today. I realise that it may seem like I am picking on "P" plate drivers, but I am not. I am well aware that there are people out there with open drivers licences that break the law and kill not only themselves but other people too. However I think if we start with "P" plate drivers then we can help ensure a safer future on our roads for everyone.
So yeah, that's my view, take it or leave it, I don't rightly care, just wanted to put it out there.
Have a super day!!!
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