Thursday, June 17, 2010

The start of a new beginning

Well Hello!!

I had forgotten that I had set up this blog some time ago and just randomly came across it today. I went through and closed the old blogs and am starting again. It feels like fresh sheets!!!

I have named the blog What the......... just so I can keep it flexible in content. I often see things or hear things and think WTF!! and now I have a place to write about it. Aren't you lucky!!!

So here is my first what the.......

How the hell did this happen?? No doubt speed had something to do with it, which brings me to my first point. I was watching some show the other night, I think it was A Current Affair and they had this part on "P" plate drivers and how Australia has one of the worst records for accident related deaths for "p" plate drivers. What the hell is up with that!! Why isn't more being done to change the statistics. Personally it is my belief that "P" plate drivers should firstly be limited to 4 cylinder cars, no more V8's and the such, as is the case with motorcycle riders being restricted in CC's. Secondly all "P" plate drivers cars must be fitted with speed governors. Meaning that the car's speed is monitored and adjusted accordingly by a "smart" device in the car. I am pretty sure that we can design some kind of gizmo that would be able to recognise what speed zone the car is in and set the max speed accordingly. Thirdly, "P" plate drivers cars should also be fitted with alcohol breath testers that have to register zero before the car will start.

I have heaps more ideas however that will do for today. I realise that it may seem like I am picking on "P" plate drivers, but I am not. I am well aware that there are people out there with open drivers licences that break the law and kill not only themselves but other people too. However I think if we start with "P" plate drivers then we can help ensure a safer future on our roads for everyone.

So yeah, that's my view, take it or leave it, I don't rightly care, just wanted to put it out there.

Have a super day!!!
